CRS Builder

What is CRS?

The Common Reporting Standard is an OECD standard which calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis.

The Standard requires all reports to be sent electronically in a format known as CRS XML.

What is CRS Builder?

CRS Builder has been designed by Digimap, the developers of the Igor tax information exchange system, as a tool to help users gain an understanding of the structure of CRS XML by crafting sample CRS XML files by hand.

It is intended for software developers and IT experts wanting to familiarise themselves with the CRS XML schema. It can also be used by staff in Financial Institutions who want to understand more about the XML side of CRS reporting.

Several technical details are handled automatically for you and the most likely values for Guernsey FIs reporting to the US are pre-filled. However, all the data can be amended.

Although CRS Builder is browser-based, it is a 'client-side' tool. This means the data you enter is only stored in your browser, and only for the duration of your session. It is completely private to you and is never transmitted to our servers.

What CRS Builder isn't

CRS Builder is a tool for learning about CRS XML. It is not a reporting tool and must not be relied upon to generate valid or compliant reports.

In particular:

For further information about CRS XML and how it will be handled by Igor, please refer to the CRS User Guide and Schema provided by the OECD and the Igor XML Reporting Guide.


CRS Builder is tested and compatible with desktop PCs running the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer (version 10 or above).

Internet Explorer version 9 and below will not work.


CRS Builder is built on Xonomy by Michal Boleslav Měchura, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The remaining code of this site is © Digimap Ltd, 2015.